Our Services
Pamper Days
Beauties Feeling Fabulous provide year-round free pamper days for women who are undergoing cancer treatment, who have had cancer, or who are supporting someone with cancer.
We provide a safe space promoting self-care and nourishment for women during this very difficult time. The pamper days offer free servicessuch as haircuts, wig care, manicures, facials, make up, massage, lymphatic drainage, chakra balancing, flowertherapy, and many other self-care services.
Women who attend the pamper days are given gift packages of skincare, haircare, head scarves and other beautiful take home gifts.
Our Pamper days provide a safe space for participants to connect with other women who are experiencing similar difficulties, it’s a place to share collective knowledge and empowers those who attend with comradery and empathy.
At our pamper days women can also enjoy light refreshments and healthy food options hand made with love.
Our pamper days foster a community of loving support, a moments respite from the harsh realities of cancer diagnosis, and s showering of nurture and care for the wonderful warrior women in our lives.

Beauties Feeling Fabulous also manufacturebespokePonchos created to be used post-surgery. These Ponchos have been designed specifically for the healing stage allowing access for drains, cannulas and ports whilstoffering gentle warmth with light, soft, comfortable fabric that is perfect post mastectomy. Our ponchos are given away for free and also stocked in all major hospitals.
Poncho Story:
In Memory of our Sister Elisha Neave and our Mum Claudette Neave
Chrissy was the eldest of the three Neave sisters, all BRCA 2 Positive, and the first to have a Double Mastectomy, Reconstruction and a Radical Hysterectomy prophylactically. No one can prepare you for the chest pain, the drains and the drips these major surgeries come with. It felt like the weight of a house was on her chest and she could not lift her arms at all and trying to navigate the drains and drips was just too tricky when trying to put on clothes. She needed something that was lightweight, warm and had free access for arms. Their mum Claudette, ever practical, cut a hole in a baby’s blanket and made her a poncho. It was so warm, cosy and she did not have to lift her arms to put it on. The drips and drains were also undisturbed and easy to access, it was genius! This poncho then came is handy when she was in treatment later for her own cancer diagnosis. Veronica then had her surgeries and mumma made more ponchos. Veronica said that any fabric that touched her chest was so painful but the poncho was light and soft and hung loose from her body so did not cause pain. Veronica had to have 5 more breast surgeries and each time a new beautiful poncho would comfort her in recovery.
We decided that all women who are having mastectomies and hysterectomies should have one, a little bit of comfort, a little bit of dignity.
These Beauties Feeling Fabulous Ponchos are infused with the compassion of our mother wanting her daughters to suffer less.
About Us
Beauties Feeling Fabulouswas established in 2017 by sisters Chrissy and Veronica. The idea came from their little sister Elisha Neave who endured 2 years of aggressive treatment after her cancer diagnosis. She was young and very pretty and found the physical ravages of her treatment so difficult. All she wanted was to feel normal, get her nails done, have a facial and feel beautiful. After her passing we wanted to honour her with a charity that did just that, made women feel fabulous!
Chrissy and Veronica come from a long line of familial cancer sufferers. Both have the BRCA2 gene and lost theirgrandmother, mother, aunty and little sister to breast and ovarian cancers. Chrissy also had a cancer diagnosis and is now in remission. Both sisters underwent preventative mastectomies and hysterectomies in the hope to slow the expression of the BRCA2 gene.
They have a passionate commitment to supporting women through cancer treatment with first hand understanding of how devastating it can be to navigate the illness and treatment. They are also acutely aware that women with cancer are usually looking after so many other people in their lives that they don’t put themselves first and even minimise their struggle to protect others, it is just in our nature. They want to do all that is in their power to take a momentary load off these women and take care of them as they so selflessly take care of all of those around them.
Pics from previous events